Netshoes: a custom font with style, at its own pace

The written word materializes thought, and the letterform design gives it body. For Netshoes’ new phase — the e-commerce leader of sporting goods in Brazil — this body has the shape of movement at its own pace. The new brand positioning pulses in every written word.

Created exclusively by the Fabio Haag Type studio, the Netshoes Ritmo custom typeface features 28 fonts to perform in different conditions. At display and large sizes, the italics have a more than usual angle and a rotated construction of the letters O and S that draw attention. Additionally, the letters i and j have a curve at the top of the stem on the heavier weights, boosting the dot. These unique details will differentiate Netshoes’ words from everyone else on the market. This expressiveness slows down at text sizes — conventional italic angles and letterforms adapted for readability take the lead. In all of them, the shape of the letter S is inspired by the design present in the logotype and symbol, facilitating association and creating consistency — a critical feature always considered in methodologies for measuring brand value.
A winning corporate typeface is always one player in a larger team, who works in a coordinated way to generate value for the business. To ensure this, it took six months of rich collaboration with the Netshoes and FutureBrand teams.

“The result is a custom font, tied to the business strategy, that moves in a choreographed way with the other elements of the visual identity. A joint construction and a victory for everyone in this process.” — Fabio Haag, Creative Director
“We are very happy with the result of this work. We arrived at a typeface and visual identity that represents the essence of Netshoes and shows a modern company prepared for the future.” — Rafael Montalvão, Marketing Director at Netshoes.

Fabio Haag Type Studio: Eduilson Coan (Project Lead, Design and Engineering), Henrique Beier (Reviews and Engineering), Sofia Mohr (Design and Reviews), Ana Laydner (Reviews), Luciana Haag (Administrative) and Fabio Haag (Creative Direction & Client Services).
FutureBrand Team: Creative Direction: Lucas Machado, Arnaldo Bastos and Luis Monteiro; Design: Luis Monteiro, Amanda Oliveira, Sofia Ohanna and Laura Arnal; Motion Graphics: Francisco Fernandes, César Quirino and Higor Santos.
Netshoes Team: Desiree Bueno (Branding Coordinator), Natália Blanco (Copywriter Specialist), Fábio Bronco (Branding and Communications Manager) and Rafael Montalvão (Marketing Director).